Debunking a few myths about getting a test and tag license. Important information for technicians, business owners and OHS Managers.
I often get asked by potential clients and even people who wanted to do some training “How do I get a test tag Licence or a test and tagging ticket?“
The short answer is you can’t. That’s because in Australia there is no formal or recognized system for the licencing of Test and Tag technicians. I think that might come as a bit of a surprise given just how important the work is.
The standard AS/NZS 3760 makes reference to a competent personA competent person is one who the responsible person ensures has the necessary practical and theoretical skills, acquired through training, qualification, experience or a combination of these, to correctly undertake the required tasks. Source: AS/NZS 3760 More, and in order to do testing and tagging you’ve got to be a competent personA competent person is one who the responsible person ensures has the necessary practical and theoretical skills, acquired through training, qualification, experience or a combination of these, to correctly undertake the required tasks. Source: AS/NZS 3760 More and a competent personA competent person is one who the responsible person ensures has the necessary practical and theoretical skills, acquired through training, qualification, experience or a combination of these, to correctly undertake the required tasks. Source: AS/NZS 3760 More is one who can undertake and do the tasks required within that standard. The best way to do that is to do a quality course, such as what we do through TATSA – Test and Tag Standards Australia.
I did a course over seven, sorry not seven years ago it’s actually ten years ago back in 2007 and they gave me this (card) as a result of successfully completing it. I don’t know if you can see it, it’s a little bit fuzzy, but you can see at the top here it says a certificate number and that is a certificate number ; it’s not a licence number.
So, what does this all mean for you as the business owner or the responsible person, for safety in your workplace ?
What it means is that you have to ensure whoever is doing your testing & tagging, whether that be the in-house technician, one of your own staff members or a contractor, you have to make sure they are a competent personA competent person is one who the responsible person ensures has the necessary practical and theoretical skills, acquired through training, qualification, experience or a combination of these, to correctly undertake the required tasks. Source: AS/NZS 3760 More and they can do the test & tagging and do it correctly.
The best way is to ask them for some evidence of training. If they haven’t done a test and tag course, they may have learned through some other qualification or something like that; but again you need to make sure you have that evidence. If you don’t do that, then you may be at risk if something goes wrong, Work Safe or even the courts might be coming back to you to say: “What steps did you take to ensure that it was being done correctly and done by a competent personA competent person is one who the responsible person ensures has the necessary practical and theoretical skills, acquired through training, qualification, experience or a combination of these, to correctly undertake the required tasks. Source: AS/NZS 3760 More?” So, don’t put yourself in the position where you just say: “Look, I didn’t know.” Because, unfortunately, now you’ve watched this video, you do know. I’m sorry about that, that’s the truth.
So make sure the person doing your test and tagging, whether it’s the inhouse technician or the contractor, is a competent personA competent person is one who the responsible person ensures has the necessary practical and theoretical skills, acquired through training, qualification, experience or a combination of these, to correctly undertake the required tasks. Source: AS/NZS 3760 More. Ask for evidence, something like that little card, maybe a certificate.
If you need more help or you got some questions of edit, be sure to send an e-mail to ACME Test and Tagging or give us a call on 9561-1439.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Take care, keep safe.
See also article about test and tag regulations
For details about our courses, visit
This information is general in nature, should be used as a guide only and read in conjunction with the relevant Standard(s), State and/or Federal Legislation, Codes of Practice and Industry Standards specific to your workplace. A proper risk assessment should be under taken before acting on the information provided in this document or any related material. Further information can also be obtained from your local Workplace Authority, Electrical Safety Authority or a suitably qualified persons. This article is copyright protected.