This follows on from John’s recent experience of discovering his lap top charger unit had become very hot after just 20 – 30 minutes of use. The over-heating event was due to a simple mistake that restricted the amount of ventilation around the charger; a problem that is common in workplaces where the charger units are often left plugged in and situated under a desk with boxes, files or other combustible materials on top of it. With out proper ventilation, the heat generated by the charger can not dissipate and can cause a fire.
John also looks at the issue of the increasing number of electrical appliances being recalled and the problem this creates for all OH&S personnel. What was once an irregular event is now very common; recently 4 electrical appliance recall notices were issued in under 10 days. The cause stems from a lot of appliances that are imported in to Australia are of poor quality or have not gone through the required compliance process.
This information is general in nature, should be used as a guide only and read in conjunction with the relevant Standard(s), State and/or Federal Legislation, Codes of Practice and Industry Standards specific to your workplace. A proper risk assessment should be under taken before acting on the information provided in this document or any related material. Further information can also be obtained from your local Workplace Authority, Electrical Safety Authority or a suitably qualified persons. This article is copyright protected.