The directors of three businesses faced the Melbourne Magistrates Court last Monday to answer charges laid by WorkSafe Vic for breaches of the Occupational Health and Safety Act relating to the 2015 Mt Waverley landslip on a construction site.
Neighbouring houses were left teetering on the edge of a 15m drop forcing their residents to flee following the collapse of an excavation development after heavy rain in July 2015.
The three directors have all been charged with failing to ensure persons other than employees were not exposed to risks to health and safety.
As a business owner or PCBU (person conducting a business or undertaking) you have an obligation, so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure the health and safety of workers and other people such as visitors and volunteers. The case against the directors serves as a timely reminder these obligations can and do extend to other persons other than your own workforce such as people who are not related or in any way engaged in your business activities.
When it comes to your electrical safety program you must make considerations about any person who could be affected by the use of electrical appliances in your workplace. For example, a defective lead could electrify a metal fence and expose an unwitting member of the public to an electric shock injury.
Source: Worksafe Vic
This information is general in nature, should be used as a guide only and read in conjunction with the relevant Standard(s), State and/or Federal Legislation, Codes of Practice and Industry Standards specific to your workplace. A proper risk assessment should be under taken before acting on the information provided in this document or any related material. Further information can also be obtained from your local Workplace Authority, Electrical Safety Authority or a suitably qualified persons. This article is copyright protected.