Portable electrical appliances used on Victorian construction sites must be test and tagged at intervals no greater than every three months and a colour coded system for the tags must be followed.
Construction sites are considered to be a hostile environment and the therefore appliances on these sites are typically subjected to greater wear and tear that can lead to increased risk of electric shock to the user and other workers.
This graphic shows the tag colour system used for the three monthly retest interval schedule.
An easy way to remember the periods is each colour corresponds to one of the four seasons.
There is differing opinion as to when the retesting of the appliances is actually due.
Those attending unionised sites will usually find they are required to have their appliances undergo test and tagging within the week either side of the change-over point for the new colour. For example during the last week of November and first week of December
WorkSafe Victoria have indicated their requirements for retesting are satisfied provided;
Requirements for the testing of fixed and portable Residual Safety Devices ( RCDs ) are slightly different. There are two methods that apply;
The “push button” test involves pressing the test button and checking the RCDRCD is an acronym for Residual Current Device. They are also known as safety switches. RCDs are designed to protect people from electric shock. More trips without “undue delay”.
This must be performed daily on portable RCDs and monthly for fixed RCDs
This test measures the actual trip timeThe trip time is the measurement of the time taken for a Residual Current Device (RCD) to trip (break the circuit). This should occur when a value greater than the rated tripping current of the RCD is detected. The measurement is recorded in milli-seconds. We provide RCD or trip time testing in Melbourne for any business or workplace. More of the RCDRCD is an acronym for Residual Current Device. They are also known as safety switches. RCDs are designed to protect people from electric shock. More and requires the use of specialised RCD test equipment
This must be performed monthly on portable and fixed RCDs however subject to meeting certain condition the interval can be extended to three monthly.
Appliances and RCDs can be test and tagged by either
Requirements vary between States / Territories and therefore tags complying with Victorian requirements may not be recognised even though they are current. When traveling across the border or to other jurisdictions, it would be wise to check prior to your departure.
Industry Standard Electrical installations on construction sites (2011).
Standard AS/NZS 3012
Standard AS/NZS 3760
This information is general in nature, should be used as a guide only and read in conjunction with the relevant Standard(s), State and/or Federal Legislation, Codes of Practice and Industry Standards specific to your workplace. A proper risk assessment should be under taken before acting on the information provided in this document or any related material. Further information can also be obtained from your local Workplace Authority, Electrical Safety Authority or a suitably qualified persons. This article is copyright protected.