Onsite Appliance Repair Service
Don’t get caught for days or even weeks without that much-needed appliance or power tool simply because it failed the test and tag safety checks and must be sent away for repair.
As part of our test and tag services, we also provide a same day on-site minor repair service to keep you going. Our technicians carry common spare parts and can do various quick on-the-spot repairs for a wide range of single phase appliances;
- replace 10A and 15A plug tops on appliance leads
- replace 10A and 15A plug tops and sockets on extension leads
- replace damaged leads on power tools and other appliances
- refit detached flex grommets
We also carry a supply of brand new extension leads and powerboards to replace any that failed.
It's just another value added service we provide to all our test and tag clients.
A client with a small but very busy manufacturing plant was finding their productivity was being adversely impacted due to the time it was taking for failed appliances to be repaired and returned back into service.
Since engaging ACME to manage the testing and tagging for them, this downtime has been reduced from days or even sometimes weeks to just minutes because we can perform most minor repairs on-the-spot for them.
Aside from the obvious decreased disruption to their productivity, it has also helped free up some cash resources by reducing their electrical appliance inventory - they no longer need to maintain a large reserve stock of appliances.