18 Point Test Tag Contractor Checklist

How To Assess A Test Tag Contractor

You want to do the right thing to protect your workers and your business by have a test tag contractor doing the testing and tagging for you. You've got a few quotes and on the face of things there's not a lot of difference between them all except for price. Sure, price is important but there are other much more important questions you should be asking before you move forward...

How do I know if they really are qualified to do this?

Will they perform all the required tests on the appliances?

Can they guarantee their services will keep my program fully compliant?

Will their methodology and reports stand up to scrutiny during a safety audit?

These are important questions because if something goes wrong, such as a reportable electric shock incident, the main responsibility will most likely be deemed to be on your shoulders not theirs.

That's because there's a lot more to testing and tagging appliances than just getting someone in to push buttons on a machine and put tags on the appliances.  I know because since 2017 I have been operating a test and tag business and running test and tag courses. During this time I have seen many instances of contractors who, unfortunately, give my industry a really bad name and put workers and businesses in a very exposed position;

    • Incorrect tests performed resulting in dangerous defects being missed
    • Only checking some of the appliances in the workplace because they don't know how to do the more complex ones
    • Appliances being tagged without any inspections or testing performed on them (to me this is fraud)
    • Use of cheap, uncalibrated test equipment that result in the test results absolutely worthless
    • Unsafe work practices (after all, we are in the safety industry)
    • Providing meaningless reports or no reporting at all

The big problem facing people like yourself who are responsible for safety in their workplace is there is very little information available on how to assess a contractor or what you should expect from them. Further more, if you engage someone who doesn't do the job correctly it can have serious consequences for the business, the business owner(s) and the workers at the workplace;

  • Defective appliances are missed, resulting in electric shock incidents and near misses occurring
  • Inadequate record keeping
  • Failing QA system audits
  • Industrial relations problems with the workforce
  • Being under-serviced &/or over-charged
  • Bad media exposure that can tarnish your otherwise good reputation

Just one of these can have an adverse impact your business that can take years to recover from.

What's The Solution?

I don't want you to get caught out like so many have, so I've put together a super easy checklist that will help you to assess any prospective, or your current, test and tag contractor.

It really is super easy; just go down the list, tick the boxes and any blanks can be followed up with the contractor for a response.

It's a totally free download with no obligations and you can get it right now.

If you need help or have any questions, one of our team will be happy to help you. contact us


John Blackburn test and tag expert

John Blackburn